Bestseller products
Bestseller products
What Is The Avdi?
The AVDI or Abrites Vehicle Diagnostics Interface is a powerful and comprehensive device, designed and manufactured by Abrites Ltd. The AVDI allows you to perform vehicle diagnostics, scan for diagnostic trouble codes, register live data, as well as program keys and transponders, replace modules in a vehicle, and work on the vehicle's ECU. AVDI is among the first interfaces on the market, ever evolving and enabling users to achieve the impossible when it comes to automotive aftermarket procedures. AVDI works with dedicated software, developed by Abrites, which includes standard vehicle diagnostics and special functions. The Abrites ecosystem is designed to work seamlessly, allowing users to fulfil a vast variety ot tasks, equalling OEM-level tools.
How Do I Start Using The Avdi And The Abrites Diagnostic Software?
1. If you have any previously installed AVDI-related software software, remove it (delete and uninstall).
2. Download ALL the new links that were sent to you in an e-mail.
3. Save them in one folder. Make sure that all three parts of the common installation have the following names: SetupInterface_Common.exe SetupInterface_Common-1.bin SetupInterface_Common-2.bin
4. Start the SetupInterface_Common.exe file.
5. Wait for the installation of this file to finish.
6. Install the rest of of the software making sure that the AVDI is connected to your computer and that your computer is connected to the Internet.
AMS - Annual Maitenance Subscription & online access
The annual subscription for AVDI is necessary for the execution of the special functions that are operated via internet online from the company's server. This means that in a special mode where you need an internet connection and access via the Abrites server, if you do not have the AMS
(Annual Maintenance Subscription) service enabled, you will not be able to perform online procedures or order the latest special features.
For technical support:
In order to be able to provide technical support regarding AVDI we need:
1 The serial number of your AVDI device
2 Description of Problem
3 Your actions
4 Vehicle details:
- 4.1 Brand
- 4.2 Model
- 4.3 Year
- 4.4 VIN number
- 4.5 Fuel type
5 Log files
* Without the log files support and analysis of the problem cannot be done
As long as you have written the above data in your text and you have AVDI AMS and AVDI SPS services activated. You can send all information via email: